In Celebrating Wonder Wednesday, my Wonder is Autism. Autism you say! How can this be? Why did you choose that? Well the reason I chose it is because my son has autism. I agree with you Autism is a bad thing but it can also be a Wonder.
Now don't sign me up for sainthood. When my son was first diagnosed, me and my husband were devastated. We did have our pity party, "why us" kind of thing. I used to get really depressed and want to give up and think why did God punish me in this fashion. Then I realized something! God did not punish us. It was like God held this special soul in his hands and said to himself, this one, this one is special. This precious little one is going to need extra care who can I give this one too that can do this special job. So you see he didn't punish me he just trusted me a little bit more. Although at times I wish he didn't trust me quite so much. Ha ha!
Anyway back to the Wonder part. Autism is a great teacher. It has taught me patience, lots and lots of patience. One of my friends remarked on my patience to which I replied it was trial by fire. I sort of developed it through a series of trial and errors. Autism teaches you how to be an advocate, educator and a negotiator. I have had to negotiate my way through many a school meeting. I also had to educate many a medical professional about autism and what it is. And finally it has taught me how to advocate for my son in other words be his voice because he is non-verbal. I'm grateful for all these lessons.
Most of all Autism has challenged my pre-conceived notions of how to view people that are not typical. In other words we are all not typical and are all different from each other and that is what makes our world different and new every day. Just because someone can't talk doesn't mean they can't think or feel the same way we do. Autism has shown me the wonder in my child. The wonder of ordinary objects likes rocks and sticks and even water running over your hands can be wondrous. I have learned to look through my son's eyes and see everyday wonders in the world around us. I must tell you spinning around, and around, around, around in circles is great fun! This is his style of dancing. Thinking outside the box and using everyday situations and things as teaching tools is a wonderful feeling. Almost as great but not quite as close as all the hugs and kisses my son gives me.
My girlfriend from grade school has dedicated her life to autism. She has her own business and has a caring, loving heart and tries so hard to get funding here in Ontario for these "special" children.
Thanks for sharing.
Claudie from Canada
Tara, this is truly a beautiful post! He's a precious little guy and I'm sure his gifts and life have so enriched your life and the lives of anyone who interacts with him. Thank you so much for sharing your story. If you ask me, I think you're a wonder yourself!
Thanks too for joining in on the blog party fun!
I hope you have a wonder-full day!
Ah thanks both of you!
Claudie, That is wonderful about your friend! I wish he all the best! It's hard to get funding for these "special" children.
Becky, Thanks for your comments they made my day! It was hard trying to decide what to write about.
You have such a wonderful attitude that he is indeed a lucky little fella.
First thank you for sharing your story...
Your little guy is a wonder of delight...and very lucky he has you for his mom...
What a nice post. Autism does seem to be on the rise doesn't it? You are blessed to have each other.
I came to visit from Becky's blog. Your son is a cutie pie. I have a special needs son (now 25) and at first I had the pity party too. I have to tell you that you have been given a precious gift. I can relate to everything you said in your post.
Tara, you rock!
This is a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing. It has touched me deeply.
Tatskool and lw, thanks for the comments. I'm very lucky to have this little guy in my life.
Tattingchic, Autism certainly is on the rise. I hope one day it can be cured. Thanks I do feel blessed to have him.
Barb, Thanks for stopping by! Come by anytime! I know you are also blessed by your 25 year old too! I did find out the pity parties are not fun. LOL
Ladyshuttlemaker, Thanks for your comment! What can I say, my son is wondrous. LOL
Thanks for the post. It was beautiful and emotional. Wow.
Best to you and your family.
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